I didnt said it was your fault ♥ I.L.Y; Dumb-ass
I only said i was going to blame you for it.
Thursday, April 28, 2011 / 9:48 PM


Hello people.

Okay i'm finally back! Haha, hello! Okay, i've been away since, 5th March? Yeahp. I wasn't into blogger now adays. I prefer Tumblr♥. But for now, i shall blog la ha? I think i miss my blog too much. haha, so, yeah.

Alright. I have so much to tell you. So firstly. 19th March 2011 was already over. Was expecting for something to happen. But well, nothing did. High hopes, nd expectations. It died. Nothing came true. I died. Haish. I was so disappointed. Nd i was super duper sad. Haish. :'(

Okay then, skip. My Common Test, dah macam taik. Skarang pulak, MYE. Babi ah. Why so fast sia MYE. I is super nervousshit can. URRRRRRRRGH. FML uh sia. I do not even know what to study. I mean like. I do not understand a single thang! Especially, Chemistry nd Physics! Dammits, i'm so gonna die :|. Biology more worst. I forgot almost every single thing that we learnt! Whoa, fcukmylife la can. Walao, i is scared can. I am so not prepared for maths paper. Shiat. I wanna die la can. D':

Oke next stop. 6th April. My birthday. It was great. Haha. Got lots of presents. Chocolates ah. HAHAA. Okebest. Th best fourteenth. Okedahbai. HAHA.

Alah, i is lazy to type ah. I want go update my private blog. KBAI!

Yours truly,


Nur Amalina Bte Abdul Razak♥;
Muhd Azli Bin Rahim♥
Turning seventeen♥
You're the one i need, you're the one i want, you're the one i love. You're my only one, love♥

Honeybunch Sugarplum♥

I Love You.